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Inventory + Check-In Report

A check in report is prepared at the beginning of each new tenancy. The report is a concise and detailed list of the condition, contents, fittings and fixtures of a house, flat or office. This includes everything from the carpets and curtains to all the furnishings (if furnished). This report should be carried out immediately before the new occupants move into the property. Keys and meters are also checked and the readings are recorded. The tenant will then sign the report to confirm its accuracy. Photographic evidence will also form a part of the report.



An interim inspection is made part way through a tenancy and looks at the condition of the property, its contents and any issues there may be. It can also be used to identify if any of the property requires repair, restoration or maintenance or is in need of decoration. Photographs will accompany this inspection.



A check out report is compiled at the end of the tenancy, once the tenant has moved out and prior to any cleaners, builders etc entering the property. We compile a report that goes through the condition and contents of the property against the original check-in report and any mid-term reports. Meter readings will be gathered and the correct number of keys recorded. Photographs will also accompany this report.

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